Education and experience centre for art casting and industrial culture
Architectural Lighting Design in Lauchhammer
We are thrilled to announce that we have been selected to be part of the expert team for the ambitious “Transformation 1.535°” project in Lauchhammer, Brandenburg. This large-scale project comprises two sites: “ERZ” (ORE) with the Kunstgussmuseum, the Kunstgießerei and the Friedenskirche in Lauchhammer-Ost (13.8 ha) and “KOHLE” (COAL) with the biotowers, activated sludge basins and the Reliquienpark in Lauchhammer-West (32.2 ha).
Our role in the planning and development team includes the design and implementation of the lighting for public spaces, landscaping, the art casting museum, the emerging “Education and Experience Centre for Art Casting and Industrial Culture” and the listed bio-towers (see image).
The “Transformation 1.535°” project is one of the most ambitious cultural and tourism projects in Germany and possibly even in Europe. The aim is to transform the remains of the East German coal industry into a vibrant centre for art, education and tourism.
A central aspect of this project is the expansion of the Lauchhammer Art Casting Museum into an “Education and Experience Centre for Art Casting and Industrial Culture”. This centre will honour the region’s industrial heritage while promoting modern educational and cultural experiences.
The bio-towers, an impressive testimony to East German industrial culture, are at the centre of this transformation.
These buildings, once symbols of the region’s industrial strength, are being revitalised through exhibitions, information programmes and innovative lighting concepts so that they can be preserved and experienced by future generations.
We are proud to contribute to this pioneering project and to bring our expertise in the communicative and aesthetic impact of architectural lighting design to ensure its sustainable and holistic success. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting development!